These 3 Habits Can Help Build a Healthy Lifestyle Post Detox
Addiction recovery supports people in a time in their lives when they are vulnerable and in need of help. Maintaining sobriety is difficult when faced with temptation and stress. The added support is necessary to help stay the course. Healthy habits and ways of coping will be the best protection against relapse in the future. Healthy post-detox habits are critical for best long-term results.
Find Help
The best kind of help is the type where they are there for you unconditionally, no matter what. Learning to lean on others is the most difficult thing you can do. It is a learning curve in recovery of learning how to depend on others and share problems that put them into perspective. Some of your best support people will be family, friends, and close mentors from addiction recovery groups. This will help keep you going when you hit rough spots (which you will) and boost your confidence for the journey.
If you want to stay clean and sober, commit to exercising every single day. Without fail, this is going to help you find peace of mind and start resetting your body for the journey. Detox and rehab treatments do not achieve overnight results. Keeping physically active is vital in any recovery program. Physical exercise has myriad benefits and improves the state of mind. The most important aspect of exercise is that it is proven to reduce cravings for alcohol and drugs.
Help Others
To practice gratitude for the journey, it can be helpful to volunteer with others. When you see others still in the grip of addiction, you might feel like you are making a difference by supporting their journey. People in recovery long enough can take what they learned and turn it around to help others. Volunteer work is effective at combating feelings of negativity against themselves, and push away those bad thoughts and feelings. Addiction can be lonely as nobody understands your personal journey. However, by reaching out to others, making a positive difference, and creating space for their stories to be heard, you can find some fulfillment for your own recovery journey.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.