Does Anxiety Play a Role in Relapse?

Does Anxiety Play a Role in Relapse?

Does Anxiety Play a Role in Relapse? Relapse can be triggered by many things in recovery. A person can be simply out for a walk when a memory, thought, or sensation pops into their head and hijacks the brain. It makes it seem like everything they learned in recovery or thought they knew about themselves…

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What is the Connection Between Addiction and Stress?

What is the Connection Between Addiction and Stress?

What is the Connection Between Addiction and Stress? Central nervous system is responsible for many things in our bodies. When we use drugs, it changes the way it responds and interacts with our environment, not to mention what is going in the body. Drugs change the brain and how it regulates emotion and manages stress.…

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Relaxation Tips When You Need to Chill Out

Relaxation Tips When You Need to Chill Out

Relaxation Tips When You Need to Chill Out Today’s modern society has people running left, right, and center. Between work, family, and social obligations, it is hard to find time for yourself. It is important to find time. Relaxation can help keep you healthy in mind and body, recovering from daily stresses that life throws…

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Why Do Doctors Struggle with Addiction?

Why Do Doctors Struggle with Addiction?

Why Do Doctors Struggle with Addiction? Doctors struggle with drug and alcohol addictions at similar or higher rates than the general population. They are exposed to many of the same risk factors for addiction and mental health disorders like childhood trauma, anxiety, and depression. These issues may be compounded by the stress of their profession,…

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