Why Do People in Recovery Have Fatigue? 

Why Do People in Recovery Have Fatigue?

Why Do People in Recovery Have Fatigue?  Addiction recovery is difficult and requires lots of time to focus on the issues the person is facing. The body is changing rapidly as detox happens and everything is adjusting to not having drugs in the system. Addiction and recovery are challenging because they tax a person’s emotional,…

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What Jobs Have the Highest Addiction Rates?

Tips to Finding Rehab Support as a Healthcare Professional

Medical professionals are not immune to addiction. In fact, they may be more susceptible because of their access and privilege which affords them the opportunity to get their hands on more drugs and even more potent substances. Nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals are sitting in the crosshairs of a drug abuse epidemic claiming…

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What is the Nature of a Drug Overdose?

What is the Nature of a Drug Overdose?

A drug overdose means taking too much of a substance, over-the-counter, prescription, or other drug and taking more than the dosage recommended. When there is enough of the drug in a person’s body, it can have harmful effects on the body. An overdose may lead to serious medical complications, including death. The severity of the…

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