Why Do People with Bipolar Tend to Self-Medicate?

Why Do People with Bipolar Tend to Self-Medicate?

Why Do People with Bipolar Tend to Self-Medicate? Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that impacts a great number of people in the United States. Many of those people will medicate themselves because they do not have resources to have someone track it for them. Ultimately, they quit using them or overdose on them…

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How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family?

How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family?

How Do I Explain Bipolar Disorder to Family? When you think about how to explain yours or a loved one’s bipolar disorder to others, it can feel daunting. It may even feel like you should not have to explain it to anyone, yet it is impacting your life. When thinking about how to organize your…

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