Key Executives Who Need Rehab May Need to Plan Ahead: Here’s Why
The truth of addiction, especially for executives, is that it causes problems for other people in their lives. Family and loved ones, co-workers and bosses; they all suffer along with the person who has an addiction. The entire reputation of the company can be at risk, depending on the executive’s position. Going to rehab is only part of the decision for an executive in a key company role. If they cannot go to rehab, they may not get better. If they do, they may put the company at risk. There is some planning that takes place to give them space to heal. Find out what it takes to create this space for an executive with addiction to attend rehab.
Plan Now
Just to get to a place of releasing denial and accepting the inevitable of rehab takes a feat of strength. Executives now have the task of figuring out how to plan for rehab. One of the most common issues people with addiction have is figuring out whether to go inpatient or outpatient. Most people cannot leave work for several weeks of treatment. Despite the usual things of work and family, there is the responsibility for executives of running companies, projects, and making long-range plans for things that they have usually had a hand in for quite some time. It is not like they can just be replaced on a dime for a short period of time. There are also bills to pay and their families to care for back home, including minor children (if they have kids). Many people fear getting treatment will hurt their careers but there are laws to protect them from discrimination. Getting treatment makes it more likely people will not only keep their jobs but also find better roles, too.
Know the Rules
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protect people with addiction from discrimination. They provide rehab protection so that a person cannot be fired for entering treatment, even if they miss work. This applies to government employees and private companies with 15 or more employees. People who qualify can take 12 weeks of medical leave but it may be unpaid. There may not be other options, but it is worth looking into. Executives may have such leave offered paid or partially paid up to a certain period of time.
Finding Hope
Executives should not give up hope of finding help for addiction if they feel stuck in their jobs. Work is not more important than finding help for addiction and there is hope on the other side. Most employers and companies will protect executive rights to getting better, knowing it will help their company in the end. The main goal is to get people healthy so they can come back to work stronger than ever and ready to live their lives with purpose and direction on the other side of addiction.
The Palmetto Center understands the addiction treatment and the needs of executives. Our program provides a special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.