Helpful Hints for Licensed Professionals to Maintain Careers in Recovery
People struggle with addiction from all corners, no matter what demographic of age, location, or job. Licensed professionals are not immune to the ravages of addiction. It may be harder to admit the need for help as the stigma can keep them from seeking support for their addiction. The reason licensed professionals struggle is not just stigma but also denial about the severity of their addiction and the impact on family and friends. There are ways to maintain a career in recovery without losing everything, including licenses to practice in some professions. Find out the best way to navigate addiction recovery with employment prospects in tact.
One of the reasons people get licensed to practice in a profession is because they are dealing with people’s lives. Whether it is legal, medical, aviation, or other profession, people’s lives are in their hands every time they go to work. When a person is addicted to drugs or is drinking, it can impact their jobs and performance. This may lead to a huge loss of other people’s lives or changes to their lives if they are not performing to standard. When they struggle with addiction, they may need to step back from their careers to get help in recovery but could risk losing their license, and professional careers, as a result. There may actually be specialized help available for professionals who get into specific situations and need to keep the situation anonymous while attending rehabilitation. Following this, they should expect to be able to return to work depending on the outcome of the treatment program.
Encouragement for Professionals
One of the challenges for professionals is to find the right support from their colleagues and bosses while maintaining their careers in recovery. The following professionals can find some helpful hints on ways to navigate recovery while keeping their jobs (and licenses):
- Medical professionals: a licensing boards will refer someone to a Physician Health Program (PHP) or allow them to self-refer for treatment. Monitoring is required, including drug and alcohol testing upon return to their job and reports to the licensing board for compliance. Depending on the person, they may still be able to keep their license if they relapse, as long as they submit to reevaluation and treatment changes
- Lawyers: a legal professional may enter a lawyer assistance program (LAP) with confidentiality in place. A case manager may be assigned to monitor progress with attendance at meetings required for compliance. Five years is a standard amount of time to track progress
- Other licensed professionals may seek confidentiality and care in programs that specialize in treating people for addiction that have these special needs. It is possible to build an aftercare and recovery program that both supports treatment goals while maintaining sobriety and employment
Customized treatment options are the best way to find support for addiction when it comes to professionals in licensed jobs. The key is first admitting the need for help before more harm is done, then seeking a place that provides special focus for professionals. Followed up by recovery and aftercare programs, professionals can thrive and heal while maintaining professional integrity and scope.
Contact Palmetto Addiction Recovery Center Today
The Palmetto Center focuses on your individual needs as a professional in recovery. We offer special therapists, treatment, and confidentiality to help you return to the job and thrive. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.