Don’t Let Resentment Curtail Recovery: Try These 4 Tips Instead
Resentment comes from feeling anger and fear, a combination which can take recovery off the rails without conscious thought. Anger can take place at any point in a person’s recovery towards any person, place, or thing but resentment builds and starts to impact all areas of recovery. If you find you struggle with anger and resentment, don’t let it curtail recovery. Try some helpful tips to navigate resentment in a healthy way.
Purpose of Anger and Resentment
As strange as it may seem, resentment and anger as emotions actually serve a purpose. It may not always be healthy, but it does serve a purpose. It can work to keep some people at a distance and avoid conflict. It may be used to deflect blame or build a sense of control. Resentment, on the other hand, are negative feelings towards other people that come from past experiences. These may be real or imagined and manifest in feelings of anger, dislike, or distrust toward a person, place, or situation. Resentment can keep a person from feeling joy if they refuse to let go. As it remains, the flames of resentment keep building until it consumes a person in recovery.
One of the best ways to heal resentment and move forward in recovery is to recognize it is happening. You can do that by honoring your recovery in the following ways:
- Be present to yourself. Know what is going on in your mind and body and how it feels. Look for ways to be present now, not in the past, and to think about integrating those thoughts and feelings together
- Meditate on the anger and resentment. Practice thinking about where it comes from and honor how it makes you feel. Let it be what it is, let it sit where it will sit and don’t be afraid to recognize the negative feelings
- Know your role in your own recovery: don’t play the victim when you know you can take ownership. If you feel angry, own it. If you feel resentful, own it. Know that people can do things against you but it doesn’t mean you should harbor resentment any longer when you can heal and forgive it (and them) to help your recovery
- Find ways to express the feelings in new ways. Look for positive actions and words that are encouraging to you and others on the journey
It is okay to accept where you are on the journey and that you will have hiccups along the way. Don’t expect perfection, expect to misstep and maybe hurt people along the way but always aspire to do better every step of the journey.
The Palmetto Center is based on a Therapeutic Community model. We help people learn how to live free of addiction. Our community support provides structure while trained counselors offer life skills training and therapeutic techniques to help you move past addiction. Our program provides special focus for professionals including chiropractors, nurses, doctors, lawyers, and more who need help with addiction recovery. Call us to find out more: 866-848-3001.