5 Sober Things To Do on Halloween

Centering celebrations on family – whether it’s the family we were born into or the family we’ve chosen – means that holidays don’t have to include substance use. Sober living is a life-long commitment that doesn’t take a break on Halloween or during special occasions. Follow these tips and take our suggestions for fun-filled Fall festivities that keep you on track!

Family and Friends Come Together

When the leaves change color and the air fills with the first brisk gusts of Fall, everyone gets excited for the holidays to come. These can be difficult times for those of us who have lost loved ones or who are far from family. Make a plan to spend time with your support network – whether that means family, friends, sponsors, or sober influences. Talk about these plans with your trusted inner circle so they know how to support you through the holidays. There’s plenty of Fall fun and there are plenty of ways to celebrate without substances.

Go to a Pumpkin Patch

Hayrides, corn mazes, and the perfect pumpkin await at hundreds of pumpkin patches and family farms across the country! Plan an outing with your family or friends to take in the sights and welcome Fall in a festival atmosphere. Fill your nose with the smells and belly with the tastes of kettle corn and fried pies while you pick the perfect pumpkin to carve into a spookily spectacular jack-o-lantern! Many pumpkin patches include fun for the whole family and any age, such as:

  • Pig Races
  • Bounce Houses
  • Corn Mazes
  • Hay Rides
  • Pumpkin Picking
  • Petting Zoos
  • Arts and Crafts
  • More Fall Favorites!

Attend or Volunteer at a Fall Festival

Churches, neighborhood associations, and downtowns alike often feature fall festivals around Halloween to invite the whole community. These wholesome events are family favorites that offer fun outings and volunteer opportunities. Gather your support group or family to enjoy an afternoon of face-painting, decorating, or handing out candy at your church or in your community! Make a day of it by helping to set up the festival so everyone in your community can enjoy substance-free fun for the whole family.

Take a Walk in Nature or Your Neighborhood

Fall brings the changing of the leaves and a change in the air! Reflect on the beauty of nature and how change brings a fresh perspective. You can enjoy a hike, nature walk, or neighborhood stroll solo or bring friends along to enjoy the fresh air and exercise. While you’re out, discover which of your neighbors have the spookiest decorations or speculate on which old houses might have haunted histories!

Celebrate with a Bonfire or Cookout

Cooler weather and earlier sunsets make Halloween the perfect time for a bonfire or cookout. Gather with friends and family to share ghost stories, roast marshmallows, and enjoy Fall favorites like hearty chili and delicious pumpkin pie. You can host a cookout and craft the perfect menu for your guests or invite everyone to bring their best dish to a potluck! If it’s safe and allowed by your neighborhood or municipality, turn fallen branches and raked leaves into a warm gathering space for Fall family fun with a bonfire to keep everyone warm and cozy.

Take the Kids Trick-or-Treating

Ninjas, fairy princesses, and ghosts roam the streets one night a year – trolling for sweets door to door accompanied by responsible adults. Gather your friends with kids in the same age-group to take everyone on a safe evening of trick-or-treating fun! Get into the spirit by finding or creating the perfect costume or by theming the whole group by dressing as characters from your family’s favorite cartoon, movie, or TV series. Just don’t forget to bring flashlights, glow sticks, and backup candy!

You Don’t Have to Do it Alone!

We gather in our support groups year-round to keep on track with sobriety and walk alongside sponsors, mentors, and other positive influences. The holiday season is no different. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your support group to plan Halloween outings or to contact us if you’re struggling to find substance-free celebration opportunities.